Employment history verifications go hand in hand with educational and professional credentials. Through database searches and contacting HR professionals we can verify employment histories to help determine whether the key person has the credentials and experience he/she claims to have.
Case Examples:
In the course of conducting a due diligence investigation, it is important to verify dates of employment, titles, and duties when possible. Among other things, this helps to establish the veracity of the subject’s representations. In one case, none of the employment dates provided matched any of the dates contained within the employer’s records. Some were off by several years. Notwithstanding the subject’s resume which showed three long stretches of employment with three different employers, we confirmed that they were actually very short stints (three months to one year) with several large gaps of employment in between.
A subject provided a resume listing several prior employers. In the course of our research, we investigated his LinkedIn page and determined the subject failed to include his employment a decade ago with the very firm at which he was applying. When we reported the fact that he was a former employee, HR examined its records and determined he was not eligible for rehire.